Sunday, January 2, 2011

side note.

Here I sit behind a glass of pinot noir lost in the thoughts of the whirlwind of what is now, my current life. As 2010 came and went quicker than I can really even grasp, I’d like to catch you up on a few things in as few words as possible. 

Last Winter I was living on 8th St. SE on the University of Minnesota campus with my 4 best friends from school. We all graduated in May and our lives and degrees too us in all sorts of different directions. I, fortunately/ unfortunately was the only one to decide to get out of dodge and move away.  

Note: Before graduation I was offered a job in my dream city of San Francisco.

Soon after I graduated I packed up my stuff from my college house and moved back home to WI to spend time with my family and my boyfriend. It was an incredible two months at home but mid-July came quick and so did my start date at a Law Firm in Redwood City, CA.  My trustworthy Cavalier was packed to the brim and my boyfriend Craig* and I set off for the road trip out west! 

No sooner had I moved out to California to live with friends of my family, I found myself an apartment  in the city that provided me an easy commute and a few friends, 3 roommates (thank you craigslist!). Quickly after I moved in we got the news that our apartment was not up to code and we were told that we had to move. I moved down the street with 2 of the girls and we are now living in a beautiful modern condo that we are all loving more than ever, but that doesn’t come with the price of a VERY shiny penny… that’s city life, as I quickly found out. Long story short boyfriend and I broke up, due to distance and bad communication on both ends and I here I find myself living my own life, for me, and living every moment as if it were my last. 

What should you expect from this blog? I am not even really sure myself. I'd like to say I will be giving my own incites on life and lessons learned from the view of a single girl new to the professional world and just living life as it comes to me, but really you might find me venting, complaning, or just rambling..... So, cheers to 2011 and a new start of  to a great year with no set plans, but high expectations.
